Blue Balloon Sing-A-Long

Michael's sing-a-longs feature an interactive experience involving singing, movement, rhythms and percussion!

He encourages kids to dance and sing along to help get their energy out! His repertoire consists of the Modern Great American Songbook..... FOR KIDS. Which includes Taylor Swift, Disney, Pixar, theater, and folk songs! Percussive instruments will be provided so the kids can create music right along with Michael by using shakers, a glockenspiel, and even a ukulele! Maybe the group will leave with a fun new song they create together!

Key Details

  • $30

  • 0 mo - 4 yrs

  • Adult participation required

  • Tue, Jul 30, 2024 - Sep 3, 2024

  • 11:00am - 12:00pm EDT

  • 118 N 11th St, 3rd Floor, Brooklyn, NY 11249

  • Sibling Discount available

  • 118 N 11th St, 3rd Floor, Brooklyn, NY 11249

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