Puppetsburg rocks interactive, culturally relevant puppet shows for children 3 months through 4 years old.

Shows are 45 minutes long and feature a different story each week that involves dancing, instruments, dress-up photo-ops, one-on-one time with handmade puppets, and bubble time. Puppetsburg is a uniquely contemporary puppet show that is entertaining for infants, toddlers, and parents alike.

Puppetsburg is proud to be a female artist owned and operated company that has been around for over a decade totaling over 4,000 shows! We have received a rave review in the NYTimes and Time Out NY Kids, and boast clients like Rockefeller Center, the New York Restoration Project, Bloomingdales, and Etsy to name just a few.


  • Tuesdays, 4pm, The Wild (sign up)

  • Wednesdays 11:15 AM, 446 Kent Ave, (sign up)

  • Wednesdays 4pm Sparsa Greenpoint, (sign up)

  • Thursdays, 10:30am, 658 Driggs Ave, (sign up)

Key Details

  • 3 months- 4 years

  • Drop-in ($35) or join a semester ($348) to save ($29/ show)

  • Please note: adults come free; tickets are only required for munchkins.

  • Sibling Discounts available

  • Drop-in or join the semester to SAVE! 

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